(iii) Group E, mercantile occupancies, or (i) Group C, residential occupancies other than buildings (c) used for major occupancies classified as, (b) having a building area not exceeding 600 m 2, and (a) of three or fewer storeys in building height, (1) Subject to Article Part 9 of Division B applies to all buildings, Of buildings in the vicinity of sewage systems. (1) Subject to Article, Part 8 of Division B applies to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of all sewage systems and to the construction

of Division B applies to demountable stages and demountable support structures. (j) a permanent solid nutrient storage facility with supporting walls exceeding 1 000 mm in exposed height. (i) an outdoor pool that has a water depth greater than 3.5 m at any point, and (h) a structure that supports a wind turbine generator having a rated output of more than 3 kW, of Division B that are not structurally supported by a building, (f) an exterior storage tank and its supporting structure that is not regulated by the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, (d) a pedestrian bridge appurtenant to a building, (iii) private property to which the public is admitted, (c) a retaining wall exceeding 1 000 mm in exposed height adjacent to, and, Part 4 of Division B applies to, (iv) Group F, Divisions 2 and 3, medium hazard industrial occupancies and low hazard industrial occupancies, or (ii) Group D, business and personal services occupancies, In building height and used for major occupancies classified as, (b) exceeding 600 m 2 in building area or exceeding three storeys

(ii) Group B, care, care and treatment or detention occupancies, or (a) used for major occupancies classified as, and, Parts 3, 5 and 6 of Division B apply to all buildings, (2) Subject to Article, Parts 7 and 12 of Division B apply to all buildings.ġ.1.2.2. (1) Part 1 of Division B applies to all buildings. (1) If a provision of this Code contains a reference to another provision of this Code but no Division is specified, both provisions are in the same Division of this Code.ġ.1.2.1. (1) Division C contains the administrative provisions of this Code. (1) Division B contains the acceptable solutions (1) Division A contains compliance and application provisions and the objectives and functional statements

Materials, Appliances, Systems and Equipment Consolidation Period: From to the e-Laws currency date.